Welcome to our guide on how to charge a dab pen without a proper charger. Dab pens have become increasingly popular among enthusiasts and patients alike, offering a convenient and portable way to consume concentrated extracts. As with any electronic device, your dab pen needs to be charged regularly to ensure optimal performance.

In an ideal situation, using the proper charger designed specifically for your device is always the best choice. However, there are times when you may not have access to the proper charger or need an alternative solution. 

Dab Pen Charger

This guide is designed to help you understand the different charging methods and safety precautions to take when charging your dab pen without the proper charger. 

Please note that using alternative charging methods may not be recommended by the manufacturer and can potentially void warranties or cause damage to your device. Proceed with caution and always prioritize using the proper charger whenever possible.

Understanding Your Dab Pen

Dab Pen

Before attempting to charge your dab pen without the proper charger, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of the device and its battery. This will help you make informed decisions when you want to learn how to charge a pen and maintain the safety and integrity of the device.

Types of Dab Pen Batteries:

Dab pen batteries can be categorized into two main types:

1. Fixed batteries: These batteries are built into the device and cannot be removed. They often have proprietary charging ports, making it essential to use the proper charger. However, some fixed batteries may still have a standard USB port.

2. Removable batteries: These batteries can be taken out of the dab pen and replaced. They are more versatile and usually come in standard sizes, such as 18650 or 20700. Removable batteries can be charged with a dedicated battery charger or, in some cases, through the dab pen itself using a USB cable.

Understanding your dab pen’s components and battery type will provide you with the necessary foundation to determine the most suitable alternative charging methods without a proper charger. We will cover how to charge a dab pen with other sources in the next section.

How to Charge a Dab Pen Without a Charger?

When you find yourself without the proper charger for your dab pen, you may need to resort to other charging methods. Keep in mind that these methods should only be used as temporary solutions and may not be recommended by the manufacturer. Always prioritize using the proper charger when possible. Here’s how to charge a vape battery without the charger:

1. USB Cable Charging:

USB Cable Charging

If your dab pen’s battery has a standard USB charging port (e.g., micro-USB or USB-C), you can use a compatible USB cable to charge the device. This can be done by connecting the USB cable to a computer, a wall adapter, or a power bank. Make sure the power source provides the correct voltage and current for your dab pen’s battery.

2. Universal Chargers:

Universal chargers are designed to work with a wide range of devices and batteries, including some dab pens. Before using a universal charger, ensure that it is compatible with your wax pen’s battery type (fixed or removable) and has the correct voltage and current settings. Follow the instructions provided with the universal charger to ensure safe and effective charging.

3. Charging Removable Batteries Separately:

Removable Battery Charger

If your dab pen uses removable batteries, you can take them out of the device and charge them using a dedicated battery charger designed for that specific battery size (e.g., 18650 or 20700). It’s crucial to use a high-quality charger that has built-in safety features to prevent overcharging or short-circuiting.

4. DIY Charging Solutions:

In extreme situations, some individuals may attempt to create a makeshift charger using wires, batteries, or other components. This method is strongly discouraged as it can lead to short-circuiting, battery damage, or even fires. Always prioritize the safety of yourself and others by using approved charging methods and equipment.

Safety Precautions for Charging a Dab Pen

Dab pens, also known as vape pens, have gained popularity as a convenient and discreet way to consume concentrates and oils. Charging a dab pen is a crucial aspect of maintaining its functionality and ensuring a smooth vaping experience. 

As with any electronic device, it is essential to follow safety precautions when charging a dab pen to avoid accidents and extend its lifespan. Here, we’ve listed some key safety precautions to keep in mind.

Do Not Overcharge Your Dab Pen

Overcharging can shorten your dab pen’s battery life or cause it to overheat. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommended charging time and unplug the charger once the battery is fully charged. Some dab pens have a built-in auto-shutoff feature to prevent overcharging.

Avoid Charging Overnight or Unattended

Charging your dab pen overnight or leaving it unattended for long periods can lead to overcharging or overheating. It’s best to monitor the charging process and unplug the device once it’s fully charged.

Keep Your Dab Pen Away from Water

Ensure that your dab pen and charger are far from water sources, as water can damage the battery and charging components. If your dab pen gets wet, unplug it immediately and allow it to dry completely before attempting to charge it again.

Regularly Inspect Your Dab Pen for Damage

Frequently check your dab pen for signs of wear or damage, such as swelling, leaks, or corrosion. If you notice any issues, discontinue use and contact the manufacturer for guidance.


In conclusion, while learning how to charge a dab pen without a charger might seem appealing, it’s vital to prioritize safety and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. 

Utilizing incompatible chargers or makeshift solutions can lead to potential hazards, such as device damage, reduced battery life, or even fires. Instead of resorting to risky alternatives, it’s best to invest in a compatible and manufacturer-approved charger to ensure the longevity, optimal performance, and safety of your dab pen. 

By adhering to these best practices, you can enjoy a seamless and secure experience with your dab pen while minimizing potential risks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ans: Unfortunately, it’s not recommended to charge a cart battery without a charger as it can be dangerous and lead to damage or even fire hazards. It’s best to use a compatible and manufacturer-approved charger.

Ans: It’s not recommended to charge a wax pen battery with an Android charger as it may not be compatible or could lead to overcharging, overheating, or other issues. Always use a manufacturer-approved charger to charge your wax pen battery.

Ans: Generally, it is not recommended to charge a vape without the proper charger as it can be dangerous and lead to damage or even fire hazards. If you’ve lost the charger, it’s best to purchase a new one from the manufacturer or an authorized dealer. 

Alternatively, you can try to find a compatible charger, but make sure it’s from a reputable source and that it matches the voltage and amperage requirements of your device.